burak 12

1. Can you describe yourself in three words?
Disciplined, humorous and easy-going.

2. If you could be a music genre, what would it be? Why?
Hip-hop; it is energizing to me.

3. Cat or Dog?

4. What are you most talented at?
Impersonating people.

5. If you were to perform in a movie, which character would you perform?
A loser winning in the end.

6. If you were to get a tattoo, what would it say or what would the graphic be?
A script with no meaning at all.

7. If you were a superhero, what superpower(s) would you have?
Mind reading.

8. If given a chance to go back in time, what would be that time and why?
80s, era of tunes and solidarity.

9. What is your zodiac sign?
Loe (23 July – 22 August)

10. Who is your favorite cartoon character?

11. What’s your favorite book, movie, song and city?
Book: Trilogy of Hunger Games
Movie: The Green Mile
Song: Iron Maiden-Como Estais Amigos
City: İzmir-Wroclaw

12. Coffee or Tea?

13. If you could be anyone from the past, who would that be?
Bob Marley.

14. The place on campus where I feel happiest is
New building, floors number 6 and number -1.

15. Listener or talker?
Listener & Talker.

16. What would be your last message on earth?
Success is a blank sheet without the ink of modesty.

Burak Aydın
English Language Instuctor
School of Foreign Languages

photo by Faruk Cimbar

interviewed by Sefa Kırlı